2018 complete construction engineering supervision of the Balatonfüred Health Center & underground parking and apartments, Balatonfüred | complete FMV work of the 2nd phase of new battery factory unit (6.000 m2) of SAMSUNG, Göd | complete FMV work of the 3rd phase of new battery factory unit (8.000 m2) of SAMSUNG, Göd | complete construction engineering supervision of the new building (60.000 m2) of the SAMSUNG battery factory, Göd | mechanical FMV of the residential buildings at Budapest, Harsánylejtő 62. and 63. | complete construction engineering supervision of the battery factory unit (30.000 m2), SK Project, Komárom | MEININGER hotel, complete construction supervision of the construction of the 196 room hotel at Budapest Csarnoktér |
2017 MEININGER hotel, complete construction supervision of the construction of the 196 room hotel at Budapest Csarnoktér | mechanical FMV of the residential buildings at Budapest, Harsánylejtő 62. and 63. | mechanical engineering project management of the boiler room construction at LAJVÉR Winery in Szálka | mechanical engineering project management of the LAJVÉR Winery’s restaurant and hotel construction | complete FMV work of the SAMSUNG battery factory’s new construction site at Göd |
2016 mechanical and electrical engineering supervision of the KNAUS TABBERT camper van factory and sewing factory | mechanical supervision of the KOR-PRODUCT precision laser cutting and welding plant | mechanical engineering project management of the construction of WAYTEQ offices | mechanical engineering supervision of the renovation works of the Kodály Zoltán Choir School, Budapest | construction engineering supervision of building management system of the intelligent villa in Balogh Ádám köz, Budapest II. district | mechanical engineering supervision of the KUKA Robotics management office building in Taksony |
2015 mechanical engineering supervision of the apartment building in Gyenes utca, Budapest III. district | mechanical engineering and electrical project management of HOTEL MOMENTS, Budapest Andrássy út | mechanical engineering project management of the CEU buildings in Nádor utca 13. and 15., Budapest | mechanical engineering and electrical project management of the training camp and hotel in Mátraháza | mechanical engineering supervision of the intelligent villa building in Panoráma utca, Budapest | mechanical engineering or the renovation of the apartment building in Raktár utca, Budapest III. district | mechanical engineering and electrical supervision of the Rétespajta traditional building and accommodation building in Neszmély | mechanical engineering works of the detached house in Árnyas út 38-40., Budapest XI. district | mechanical engineering works of the apartment in Madách utca 9., Budapest VII. district |
2014 mechanical and electrical project management at Ádám Jenő Music School, Szigetszentmiklós | mechanical and electrical project management at ALBA HOTEL, Székesfehérvár | mechanical engineering supervision at ALVINPLAST plastic factory, Budaörs | mechanical engineering supervision of the customer service office of BKK (Budapest Public Transportation) at Kossuth tér, Budapest | mechanical engineering supervision of the customer service office of BKK (Budapest Public Transportation) at KÖKI station, Budapest | mechanical engineering supervision of the construction of the factory and storage buildings at KUKA Robotics, Füzesgyarmat | mechanical engineering supervision of the construction of the paint factory and storage buildings at KUKA Robotics, Füzesgyarmat |mechanical engineering supervision of the health clinic, Üröm |